HomeExchange is a platform that allows you to connect with new people from all over the world who want to exchange homes.
Therefore, HomeExchange does not allow exchanges between acquaintances or friends since, to organize an exchange, it would not be necessary to use the HomeExchange platform to contact each other.
In addition, when an exchange is organized between people who know each other, the system recognizes it as either a fraudulent transfer of GuestPoints between members or an attempt to obtain a fraudulent review and not an actual exchange that could not be done without HomeExchange. As we are a community built on trust, reviews need to be authentic and provide a reflection of the actual experience the partner member had in order to avoid misleading profiles and better help members decide if that home is the right one for them.
For this reason, in order to protect the system and continue assessing the hospitality of HomeExchange members, we have a system that detects irregular exchanges. This system will contact you automatically if it detects an irregularity. If this happens to you, respond to the message and a member of our member support team will assist in solving the problem and reactivating your account in case of deactivation.