In case of cancellation, HomeExchange will contact you to find out the reasons for this and help you as much as we can. If you want, you can also contact us directly.
In case of an emergency, please contact us here.
If your host cancels the exchange:
- GuestPoints from this exchange will be returned to your account.
- HomeExchange will help you find a new, replacement exchange that fulfils the basic criteria of your canceled exchange as per our Terms of Use.
- If HomeExchange cannot find you an exchange replacement, and you wish to cancel your trip, we will reimburse your non-refundable fees directly related to the exchange (tickets for the train, plane, etc.) up to $120 USD/per night, depending on the situation, and in the limit of $1 800 USD per exchange.
- If HomeExchange cannot find you a substitute exchange, and you want to pay for alternative accommodation (for a hotel, for example), we will reimburse the charges you paid for the accommodation, up to $120 USD/per night, depending on the situation, and in the limit of $1 800 USD per exchange.
- If, however, the exchange has been cancelled by your host because of your behaviour (e.g. inappropriate, disrespectful behaviour towards your host), HomeExchange will not be able to give you a refund or compensate you in any way for the cancellation.
If you, as a guest, cancel the exchange:
- Your host can choose whether to keep the GuestPoints or give them back to you (from their account, they can choose either “Give back the GP” or “Keep the GP”).
- If there is a valid reason for the cancellation (i.e. health problems), do contact us, as we can give you back some or all of the GuestPoints from your exchange and still allow the host to keep them all.