There are several ways to obtain GuestPoints. If you are already a HomeExchange member you can get more GuestPoints by:
Hosting fellow members.
They can give you a certain number of GuestPoints per night in exchange for your hospitality. The transfer of GuestPoints is done automatically and immediately when you finalize an exchange.
You can read our tips on finding guests here.
The best way to get GuestPoints is by hosting other members. The more you host, the more you can travel.
Referring your friends.
You can receive 50 GuestPoints when they sign up on HomeExchange and complete their profile and listing and an additional 200 GuestPoints when they activate their membership.
With our referral program, you can get up to 2500 GP (for a maximum of 10 friends).
New to HomeExchange?
If you are new to the platform you will get GuestPoints at certain milestones.
Create your account
You will receive:
50 GuestPoints for creating your account.
100 GuestPoints when your profile has been completed.
200 GuestPoints when your 1st listing has been completed
Verify your account.
You receive 200 GuestPoints when you verify your 1st listing. Verification increases the trust and confidence between members and allows you to finalize exchanges.
You receive 500 GuestPoints when you subscribe for the first time.
You can also receive 250 GuestPoints by automatically renewing your membership.
Send 10 requests.
You will get 250 GuestPoints, by sending the first 10 exchange requests.