When you want to finalize a non-reciprocal exchange with another member, it is important to see who sent the 1st message. The member who sent the original request (the one who initiated the conversation) is always the guest.
If this is not the case and you are the guest, but your exchange partner (your host) was the one who initiated the request, you can change this simply by sending them a brand new request from their listing.
Now you can follow these steps to finalize your non reciprocal exchange:
1) Ensure the exchange is registered as non-reciprocal in the exchange details
All exchange requests are set as non reciprocal by default so you normally do not need to change the exchange type.
If the exchange is registered as reciprocal but both you and your partner agree on a non-reciprocal exchange, click on the orange pencil beside "reciprocal exchange" in the exchange details on the right of the page. As you do so, a menu will open where you can click on "non-reciprocal exchange":
2) Add and/or update the details of the exchange
You can also add/update other details (dates, number of travelers, GuestPoints) of your trip.
The member who is traveling, the Guest, can update dates and number of travelers:
The member who is hosting, the Host, can update dates and number of GuestPoints (s)he will earn for hosting:
Small tip I: If you can see an orange pencil next to all or one of those details, you can update this information. If you do not see it, this information can only be updated by your exchange partner.
Small tip II: as you and/or your exchange partner make these changes, you will see within your message thread that those changes were made and who made them. To differentiate it from your messages, this will show in light grey:
3) Pre-approve the exchange
Once all details are agreed upon, the host can now pre-approve the exchange.
As the Host pre-approves the exchange, a note will show alerting the host that (s)he is about to pre-approve the exchange.
If either member updates the exchange details after it was pre-approved, the host will be prompted to pre-approve the exchange again with the new details.
4) Finalize the exchange
Once the exchange has been pre-approved, the guest can now finalize the exchange. To finalize the exchange, click on "Finalize" at the bottom right of the screen where the pre-approve button was.
Once the exchange is finalized, the exchange is set to go. You will see the exchange as "Finalized" and by clicking on the "Exchange Details" button, you can see your exchange partner's details.