Discussing the details of the exchange with your exchange parter is a very important step. You should ask all of your questions and give all relevant information concerning your home or your stay before finalizing the exchange to make sure that you are both on the same page.
Here is a list of things that you should discuss with your partner before finalizing an exchange:
Dates of the exchange: make sure you both agree on the dates of the exchange.
Number of guests: you need to make sure that the number of guests registered in the exchange details is accurate. Remember that you cannot invite additional guests in your host's home without their consent.
Type of exchange: you need to discuss with your host the type of exchange you would like to finalize (reciprocal or non-reciprocal) and make sure that this exchange type is selected in the exchange details.
Exchange of keys: to ensure a smooth arrival, make a plan for the exchange of the keys. You can find more information on how to organize the exchange of keys in this article.
Cleaning after the exchange: Will the guest clean the home at the end of the stay or do you both prefer to use a cleaning service? If you decide to use a cleaning service, you also need to decide who is going to pay for this service and, if needed, how the money will be transferred. For more tips about HomeExchange and cleaning, you can read this article.
Any relevant information your host or guest should know before the stay: Do you have a pool that will need maintenance during your guests' stay? Do you have plants to water or animals to feed? As a host, having a welcome booklet with your house rules and instructions is always a great idea. Do you have specific needs as a guest? Any allergies? Be sure to tell your host about it beforehand!
- Ask all of your questions and share any doubt you might have: communication is the key to a successful exchange! If something is on your mind or important to you to be able to enjoy your exchange to the fullest, be sure to share it with your exchange partner :)
It is all of our responsibility to ensure that members can find a place where they belong in the HomeExchange community. We expect our community to use our platform with inclusion and respect, welcoming travelers into their homes with generosity and graciousness. We are fully committed to fighting against any form of discrimination and intolerance at HomeExchange.