Once you have installed the HomeExchange app and logged in to your account, you are welcomed to the Home screen.
Same as on the website, the Home screen will show some categories of homes to help you in your search. You will find homes you may like, members who are looking for an exchange near you and your favorites homes. For each category, you can swipe to the left to see more offers.
At the bottom of the screen, you will see 4 icons:
1) Home screen/Search: on this page you will have access to all the listings we offer and can use all the filters as on the website.
2) My exchanges: by tapping on my exchanges, you will see displayed information about your ongoing, upcoming and past exchanges.
3) Messages: by tapping on messages, you will be able to check and reply to your messages and access the same messaging folders as on the website (favorites, unreplied messages, archived messages, pre-approved exchanges, etc...).
4) Account: from here you can access your listing, your profile, check your number of GuestPoints, check your membership information and settings. You can also refer your friends and contact us.