To start the search, tap on "Search" at the bottom left of the screen. Then, you will need to specify the destination, dates, and the number of guests.
As you add different information, the results will appear and update automatically to match your criteria.
You can also narrow the search results using filters. To use the filters, tap on the "Filters" button next to the "Guests" button.
On the resulting screen, you will see a list of all the filters you can use: reverse search, exchange type, amenities, GuestPoints, number of bedrooms/bathrooms... Simply scroll down the screen to see all the filters.
Tap the filter you want to use and then tap on "Apply" at the bottom of the screen to narrow down your search results.
If you wish to remove a filter you already added, simply tap again on that filter again to remove it.
If you want to exit this screen without adding any filters, simply click on the "X" mark in the upper left hand corner of the screen.