With travelling being more and more accessible to everyone and with so many different travel options available, some cities and countries have decided to regulate alternative travel options (ex. home exchanging, short term rentals, etc.) for different reasons (ex. to stop mass tourism, to protect property values, etc.).
Most cities and countries allow home exchanging and have no intention to regulate it as of yet, but others have decided to take steps and pass stricter regulations. We frequently monitor these discussions and, when necessary, consult our legal team. As we are present in 159 countries and thousands of cities, it can be difficult for us to stay up to date on all new legislation.
We currently have info on the following locations:
For members in all other destinations, if you have heard that your city/state is regulating home exchange or short-term rentals, we invite you to first contact your local council/city authorities and send us an email.
We will update the above articles and add new ones, as new information becomes available, to ensure that our members have the most up to date information.