NO, HomeExchange will never ask you to verify your account through an external link that is not part of our official platform.
At HomeExchange, the security of our members is our top priority. All account verifications and updates should only be done through our official website or mobile app. If you receive an email, message, or any communication directing you to an external link unrelated to, we strongly recommend ignoring it and not clicking on it.
How to identify a suspicious message?
Avoid external links: HomeExchange will never ask you to access an external link to verify your account.
We will never contact you through your exchange messaging system for account verification.
Look for spelling and tone: Fraudulent messages often contain spelling errors, alarming language, or urgent requests that are not typical of our communications.
What should I do if I receive a suspicious message?
Do not click on any links included in the message.
Do not share personal information or login details.
How does HomeExchange handle account verifications?
All account verifications on HomeExchange are conducted directly on our platform. You can log in to your account at, where you’ll be able to complete any verification processes safely and securely.
To know more about the verification process, you can read these articles.
Committed to Your Security
Thanks to the collaboration of our community, we continuously work to keep our platform safe and free from fraudulent activities. If you have any doubts about a communication, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.