The response rate will help you find homes from active members in the community and is an indication of their likelihood to reply to your messages. Next time you are looking for an exchange, you will find the response rate of any member at the bottom of the listing (Response rate: 100%, in the image below).
How does the response rate work?
The response rate is updated on a daily basis, and we recommend that you answer a message as soon as you can, don't let a message go unanswered for more than a week or your response rate will be affected.
When new members join, they will be assigned a default response rate of 80%. They will then be able to increase their response rate to 100% by answering their messages.
Where can I see my response rate?
To see your response rate, roll your mouse over "Messages", a drop-down menu will appear and you will find your response rate at the bottom:
Another way to see your response rate is by clicking on "My Profile" and then clicking on "View my public profile", underneath your name and picture on the left.
On that page, you will find your response rate along with more information about your profile:
How can I achieve a good response rate?
The response rate takes into account the last 10 requests you have received. To ensure your response rate is high, please reply to all the requests you receive, even if it is a negative answer - nobody likes it when they don’t receive a reply to a message!
To help you in this matter, you can find all of your "Unreplied messages" in a dedicated folder in "Messages":
We have also provided a list of answers that you can easily select in case you don't have the time to answer each message personally. When you are on the conversation page, each time you receive a new request, you will see a small window that gives you the option of selecting one of our standard answers.
How can I find an exchange through the response rate?
We recommend contacting members with a response rate higher than 80%. These are members that are active in the community and that will answer your request as soon as possible. On average, we recommend sending at least 15 requests for each destination to increase your chances of finding a suitable exchange. By selecting members with a response rate of above 80%, you will have a better chance of finding an exchange quickly!
Click on "+ filters" and select response rate > 80%