Reviews are a vital part of our community's experience, which is why it's so great that you can rate every single exchange you take part in. If you are unable to post a review, we would encourage you to check the following:
Has it been more than 40 days since your exchange?
Exchanges can only be rated up to 40 days after the exchange ended. After 40 days have passed, you will be unable to post a review. However, our Member Support Team may be able to assist you. You can reach them through our contact form.
Was your exchange non-simultaneous?
Exchanges with non-simultaneous dates work a bit differently. If you and your exchange partner did not stay in each other’s homes on the same dates, you may not yet be able to leave a review. You will need to wait until both parts of the exchange have taken place. This is so you can rate the full experience, knowing what your exchange partner was like, both as a guest and as a host.
Once both stays have been completed, you will have 40 days to rate your exchange as a guest and a host.
Written a review and can’t see it on the website?
When you submit a review, it may not appear instantly on our website. Both exchange partners have up to 40 days following an exchange to leave a review.
Reviews will either appear once both exchange partners have posted their reviews, or after 40 days have passed.